Wednesday, September 1, 2010



Holy crap. I’m in Moscow. I had a very short flight to Denver, a 3 hour flight to DC Dulles, then a 9 hour flight to Moscow. I slept through both the DC flight and the Moscow flight, making me the envy of the group! I woke up for dinner on the Moscow flight, totally not worth it. Then I woke up about an hour before we landed. Yeah, I’m that good. All my luggage made it there in one piece. My only complaint is a cookie mix got ripped a little. Didn’t get everywhere however, and that’s great. One of my head teacher’s suitcases burst open and a cake mix broke open as well. Big bummer for me is that my host doesn’t have internet, oh well I’ll be able to use the head teacher’s wifi every time I go there. Well we met Golya (ghoulya) at the Airport and then the rest of them got in the bus and I got to ride with her and her husband Jim.

I was the last one to be dropped off, but I think I’m the luckiest. My host is Babushka Rya, Golya’s mother. She loved the gifts I decided she would, the scarf and the angel. I don’t think she would have enjoyed the bag of Reeses and the Barbie, Transformer, or the Zhu-Zhu pet. She really loved the angel, she put it next to her 3 pictures of Mary on a shelf. I’ll be taking a TON of pictures and I’ll post them up on both facebook profiles.

I live in a giant pink apartment building, its ghetto. The actual apartment I live in is pretty nice. I’ve got a TV (yeah be jealous of my ability to not understand anything on it!). I get to sleep on a couch, but don’t worry its verrrrry comfortable. The room is about half the size of Cache’s room at home. The building has wifi, but I can’t set up a payment method because I can’t read Russian. For dinner I had a vegetable soup with potatoes, carrots, and onions, with rolls and mashed potatoes, chicken, and coleslaw. It was very good.

I don’t want to drive here ever. It’s INSANE! No one uses blinkers and holy crap I don’t even know how to describe it. Driving around for a few hours killed me! I decided I need to start up on Rosetta Stone again and learn the language. I’m able to pick up a few words here and there, but that only gives me a vague idea about what’s going on. Oh, and for all my male friends out there, yes it is true that the majority of Russian women are easy on the eyes. That’s one very nice aspect of this trip. They gave me a cell phone to use over here as well. If I had a calling card I could make international calls on it I think. Don’t know for sure. Anyhow that’s all I’m going to write for now. It’s a 10 hour difference between Utah and Moscow so I feel like taking a nap. PEACE!

PS: the date here is set up DD/MM/YYYY, hopefully that messed with you a little.


  1. Glad you made it son - what an adventure! Love ya lots. Dad

  2. lol that DD/MM/YYYY thing blew my mind...I was like...what??? lol

  3. Thanks to your dad I got your blog site. You are in for an adventure!!!! Best of luck. Take it easy on the babushka. JR Johansen
